For authors

Letter for authors

And a glossary to illustrate NbN in practice

It is recommended that authors adopt NbN terminology for psychotropics, as it reflects contemporary pharmacological knowledge, rather than arbitrary descriptors based on indication (antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc.) or chemical structure. The intention is to harmonize editorial practice in this important area.

The glossary* (enclosed) illustrates the relationship between general terms (e.g. mood stabilizers, anxiolytic etc.) in the former terminology and NbN’s proposed terminology.

download Glossary.pdf

Recognized by

  • CNS Spectrums
  • the world journal of biological psychiatry
  • journal of psychopharmacology sage
  • psychiatria i psychologia kliniczna
  • european neuropsychopharmacology
  • cinp
  • journal of affective disorders
  • journal of clinical psychiatry
  • IJNP. black