What is the NbN’s purpose?
The NbN’s main purpose is to reduce confusion when referring to psychiatric medications. We strive for a truly neuroscience-based nomenclature and to this end the NbN is a result of joint efforts made by scientific organizations and is fully supported by the ECNP. 
Who supports the NbN?
Five major international neuropsychopharmacological research organizations joined forces to bring you this new and improved nomenclature. The NbN is a joint initiative of ECNP, ACNP, CINP, AsCNP and IUPHARM and has the full support of the ECNP. It is our main goal to remain objective and bias-free, to ensure a completely scientific approach and create a truly neuroscience-based nomenclature. 
Why is a new nomenclature required?
As you are well aware, the current naming of psychiatric medications is confused and confusing.  "Antidepressants" are often prescribed for anxiety disorders or "antipsychotics" prescribed for depressed patients who show no evidence of psychosis. In order to avoid arbitrary descriptors based on indication, the NbN aims to change this approach and relate the nomenclature to contemporary pharmacological knowledge, and on the medication’s mode of action. 
How does the NbN affect me?
The NbN will enable you to be better informed when deciding which medication to prescribe. It provides you with the latest information about the pharmacology of the medication and a more accurate understanding of its use. The NbN will significantly reduce confusion and misunderstandings in prescription and will promote a clearer approach to the knowledge of what medication you prescribe and what effects are expected. Moreover, it includes 4 additional domains which provide useful clinical information.
Could I recommend NbN to my patients?
Of course. Well-informed patients show better adherence.  
Why is there a difference between approved indication and efficacy?
The distinction is intended to highlight situations in which a compound has not received official approval for an indication, although there is evidence to support its use in additional indication(s), for example well-referenced expert guidelines.
How can I contribute to the next NbN version?
This is what we call the "wisdom of clinicians”. The NbN app allows and encourage you to submit feedback via a special feature. We highly recommend using it to send us your thoughts and comments. 
How often will the NbN be updated?
The app will be updated twice a year, in May and September.
What do you mean by multi-mode (MM)?
For compounds in which there is more than three mode of action, the term "multimodal" was introduced.